NJ.com covered the historic groundbreaking of the Village's Third and Valley project. In the article, I got a chance to talk about how helping provide resources that would allow residents to move to South Orange without a second, or even a first car, is one of the best ways that we can embody Think Global Act Local. Bringing development into a more denser residential pattern: Covers less ground with impervious surfaces, disturbing less soil and rainwater runoff patterns Lowers per-capita HVAC costs, reducing energy usage and carbon output Encourages walkable lifestyles, leading to longer and happier lives When adjacent to transit resources, such as trains, buses, car-sharing and bike lanes, reducing need for a second, or first car, which can save a family $6,000-$8,000. Residents in South Orange can take advantage of new downtown ZipCar vehicles. Supports locally owned downtown businesses in South Orange, supports the arts, placing residents within walking distance to the South Orange Performing Arts Center Infuse much needed capital in the municipal budget, often converting under-utilized space into ratables. Provides increased parking, allowing a long-term re-organization of downtown parking to help create and encourage pedestrian centers and walkable plaza space. Lower our environmental impact by lessening...