NH and VT Town Managers gathered to discuss a range of issues. Alex presented on public engagement.
Alex facilitated a session on the importance of authentic and effective public engagement on April 1st at the Municipal Solutions Summit held at the Woodstock Inn in Woodstock, Vermont. Organized primarily by the Woodstock Vermont Municipal Manager Eric Duffy, this was a small-scale, highly interactive and discussion based workshop for Upper Valley and Vermont Town Managers to discuss a range of issues.
Alex's session focused on how individuals, groups, and communities come together in a "Decision Making Ecosystem," which Alex describes as a space in which each of those groups come together to do things such as consume new information, integrate new information into existing understanding, share information, discuss, and influence or make political or governance decisions.
The other sessions included a panel of local businesses, and deep dive topics ranging from retention/recruitment, board/manager relationships, shared services, technology adoption, and a lot more!